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Issues Affecting the Deployment of Solar Power in Nigeria

by samuel on September 14th, 2017 for Business and Management, Miscellaneous, Politics, Science

1.0: INTRODUCTION: Energy utilization is a core attribute of humanity. With increasing population also comes an increase in the demand for energy. The IEA in its World Energy Outlook, projects about 83% increase in global energy demand in the next 20 years (IEA 2014a). Although countries naturally turn fossil fuels as part of their energy mix due to its plentiful and reliable nature the same report reveals that there would be significant increase in renewables.

Aside the fact that fossil fuels are exhaustible, their combustion also has immense adverse effect on the climate with (GHG) emissions, capable of bringing the world to an abrupt end.  Already, the cost of renewable energy is dropping across several countries, as at 2014, new wind power was cheaper than new coal and gas power in Australia, China and the United States (Sussams, et al 2015). Electricity from roof-top photovoltaic systems is also cheaper than grid supply in many countries and places across the world. (Chen 2014).

Being naturally replenishing resources, the place of renewable energy in the global energy mix is sacrosanct, and tireless effort is required in a bid to perhaps completely transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy.

As the most populous country in Africa – a mineral rich continent – it is poignant to reflect of on the issues affecting the energy industry and the role of renewable energy technology for Nigeria. With renewable electricity as focus, the challenges of its deployment, as well as a review of existing commercial risks and policy instruments that could enhance the growth of industry are discussed in this article, with strategic recommendations proffered by comparing tested risk mitigation approaches and solutions that have been successful in other Countries across the globe.

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The Craze for Beauty

by samuel on December 12th, 2011 for Miscellaneous

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” is a popular saying. But can’t value exist in its full worth without an external valuator?  Most young women are often obsessed with concerns about their beauty. Businessmen have effectively collaborated with scientists to manufacture beauty diverse products, and even medical doctors have cashed in through cosmetic surgery. Facial beauty and physique have long become major issues for suitors.  The concepts such as Beauty pageants lends credence to submissions that some people are more conclusively more beautiful than the others.

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Now “This Past Must Address Its Present”!. Ruminating Wole Soyinka’s Nobel Lecture.

by samuel on September 20th, 2011 for Miscellaneous, Politics

When achievements end in themselves, they die with their achievers. For about 5 yrs since I first scrutinized this speech by a fellow Nigerian, my conviction has grown to fully assert that achievements can only best be used as tool to break-up other barriers, often times in the aid of an oppressed neighbour. What more nobility of heart is demonstrable,  than the use of such rare once-in-a-lifetime opportunity as a Nobel lecture, to condemn injustice and racism drawing from one’s technical expertise in the literary profession, that  the then apartheid South Africa be free.

Please savour with me Wole Soyinka’s Nobel Lecture delivered when I was little more than one year old, yet full of lessons for our present circumstance and lands where surreptitious discrimination  still exist by way of tribalism, nepotism, favouritism, etc., in economic and political climes.

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Olny srmat poelpe can.

by samuel on May 7th, 2011 for Miscellaneous

cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to

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by samuel on March 1st, 2011 for Miscellaneous

Are you in the top 2 % of intelligent people in the world? Try out the riddle  below to find out!

There are no tricks, just pure logic so all the best. Don’t give up.

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