Fresh Vision

...insightful submissions on contemporary issues of life.

Do not hold on to something that cannot grow in the name persistence

About is a personal blog of Samuel Kwelle. A development activist whose uncommon faith in the uniqueness of the individual in relation to his contribution to his generation inspires his commitment to helping people turn potentials to realities.

As implied by the principle of causes and effects, our today’s harvest was yesterday’s seed, and  by analogy, the diverse National and global challenges that plague mankind today are consequences of past choices in attitudes that originate from individuals.

If vision is a mental picture of a destination, which should guide one’s actions in determining what is appropriate to be done at each moment, then our present  circumstance economically, technologically, morally and even in leadership,  leaves much thought as to what our predecessors had as vision.

Without whining or exonerating present-day culpability, the state of a nation is indeed a reflection of the mindset of its populace,  which can only be improved upon when there is a Fresh Vision

In empowering the total man to utilize his potentials to the fullest, fundamental issues for living such as business/ management principles, unraveled scriptural truth, committed followership as well as conscientious leadership in relation to pervasive clamour for change and freedom, are presented in this site, though my personal blog.

While harnessing the powers of information technology in cyber space that acknowledges no geographical limitations, Fresh Vision serves as a centre-point of reference where individuals can pick-up strategic tools to lead lives focused on realising worthwhile goals, thinking outside-the-usual about contemporary issues, and cumulatively achieving National Transformation.

Amongst others in our today’s flattening world,  where government policies in one nation impacts on citizens of another, Fresh Vision is  equally poised at  propelling a political movement to advance the agenda of how we sustainably globalize.

Rt. Hon. Samuel H. Kwelle
(January, 2011)


The  Blogger, is an inspirational leader, with a rare combination of sound grooming in management,  entrepreneurship, and engineering. A strong  advocate of meritocracy and anti-corruption, He is the Visioner of Vanguard for Meritocracy, (A Lagos Based Non-Governmental Organisation, committed to building an army of youths poised to entrench  merit driven society in Nigeria and Beyond). Kwelle is a consistent Christian who abides by the dictum “practice what you preach”.