Fresh Vision

...insightful submissions on contemporary issues of life.

The man who trims himself to suit everybody will soon whittle himself away

Ideas For Inventions

Grab an invention

Inventions and patents are much desired by researchers for career progression and more importantly needed by the society for advancement. In school groups, my observation shows that the seeming most brilliant person may not end up an inventor.

When you pursue a vision, you certainly get an invention. Someone said “Vision without action is a daydream; action without vision is a nightmare” Essentially, you have to sit down to think, develop the vision and begin to work at it; acquiring relevant knowledge and applying them to the task at hand.

Clearly, anyone who is excellent at what he does with the knowledge he has acquired, but doesn’t create anything new lacks imagination and perhaps is disconnected from the source of ideas for invention.

The man who wins a Nobel Prize in Chemistry or Physics is certainly not the first professor in his field of study, he may not even be the most hardworking, but somehow while working on a vision, more vistas open, new idea drops and something is invented or nature’s truth is unravelled.

The fact is that he positioned himself for it, working on a research area he imagined, acquiring the necessary skill for such research, so he was able to identify and apply the winning idea when it dropped. It would have been a funeral of destiny if the same idea had dropped into the mind of an unprepared man. Perhaps he wouldn’t have even recognised It., and the world would have been set back or at least delayed, as those who would have benefitted from such invention will have to continue with subsisting less helpful alternatives.

Making money may include luck, but striking an invention doesn’t. There has to be a desire and determination to create something new by appropriately applying your thought, harnessing the power of imagination. Indeed imagination is better than knowledge (Albert Einstein). One may even reason that you should build capacity for creativity and imagination for invention, before trying to acquire available knowledge necessary for the realisation of such goal. So the researcher should not only be academically sound, but be alert to discovery and invention. In pursuing one noble target uniquely and passionately you strike other side laurels, one of which could be your silver dove if properly harnessed. While of course the pursuit of knowledge can enhance nobler imagination.

Whereas for many people, religious affiliation is only for assurance against unfavourable uncertainties of life, for the would-be inventor this is one sure medium for ideas for inventions.

It is my believe that Ideas come from God – who is indeed the origin of everything, the world having been void in the beginning Gen 1:2

And He has a plan for all of mankind as indicated in Jeremiah 29:11, to give us an expected end. So for every day of life, the whole world has its objectives and targets for development. At the time when electricity became necessary to set in motion other inventions such as the computer which where to follow thereafter, the idea dropped from God (The Planner) into the mind of someone who had prepared his skill set to apply such idea, the man Thomas Edison, at the appropriate time also when it was time for faster travels the airplane was invented by the Wright Brothers who obviously were not the best scientists or engineers of their time, but were working on the few known aerodynamic principles with such passion and sensitivity that their tested minds could easily grasp the right ideas to make the airplane invention a success.

The first airplane

They may not have intended the wealth and fame that their invention has both them, but they began with what they had – Physics principles in books they didn’t write themselves – to get the more that was needed.  They sowed ideas to reap greater ideas. Indeed continuous focus on an issue opens the mind for new thoughts and ideas leading to solutions to difficult equations and birthing inventions, particularly when the divine timing for such invention has come. Eccl 3:1

Where wisdom is the right application of knowledge, and as established above that continued application of existing knowledge make room for more, then the possession of great wisdom is mandatory for great inventions. What wisdom can be greater that given by the Creator Himself. And all that is needed to gain this is asking from Him. James 1:5. Truly, evil thoughts also exist as noted in Eze 38:10 and can produce evil inventions as indicated in Romans 1:30, but The Almighty God remains the inexhaustible source of ideas for human inventions, creativity and advancement. Just as expected that a manufacturer would have expectations of his product, and every leader with instructions for his followers in pursuance to the realisation of an ultimate goal – often for common good. As long as one is connected to Him, you cannot run out of ideas.

If you ensure that you execute ideas as they come, you can be assured that you will not run out of ideas because they are from a source that ever new.

If you keep them, and pile them up, new ones yearning for execution will not find a place into your mind. And by telepathy those ideas you’ve kept down “whose time have come” for execution will find a way into the mind of someone else who will use it,  applying it for the benefit of the society around him.

Indeed, a spiritually sensitive mind could become a repository of ideas. If you write them down as they are conceived, then like the parable of the Talents in Matthew 25: 15-28 you can sell these ideas to professionals, the Government, would-be inventors etc, who will execute them, since the world by a divine plan must move on.

Time and chance indeed favour those who pursue a vision borne out of imagination, passionately. Go for fresh ideas!

Samuel Kwelle (May 2013)

2 responses to “Ideas For Inventions”

  1. Thanks may GOD bless you for this wonderful teaching

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