Fresh Vision

...insightful submissions on contemporary issues of life.

Do all you can, with what you have, in the time you have, in the place where you are

~ Nkosi Johnson

The Man JESUS !

The Lord Jesus Christ

The season of Easter elicits solemn reflection by Christians across the globe about the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.  A lot was unique about Him, from the mode of biological conception and on to His resurrection. His personal conduct and comportment in the society also made Him standout, and people who behaved like Him had to be designated  Christians, Act 11:26. Today, as we commemorate His unparalleled act of resurrection, I am inspired to document essential lessons from the human aspects of the Lord Jesus Christ; the MAN Jesus, who like any other man today,  was exposed to temptations Heb 4:15, got hungry Mar 11:12, was  compassionate Mat 9:36 , wouldn’t hide his emotions to weep  Joh 11:35 and even got skilled in a trade Mar 6:3 . Although surrounded by fierce enemies Joh 5:18, and passionate admirers Joh 11:2 alike, He didn’t lose focus of his divine mission to this planet. Indeed He couldn’t have just been killed. He actually came to die, and shame death by bodily resurrection.


The Jews had always known about the Christ, whom they expected as their saviour Mat 2:4, and today several religions of the world still await the coming of the Christ.  Though many lacked precise information about how He would be made manifest, coming in a modest human form, from a humble homeland was least desired. But it was God’s prerogative to choose the medium. Isa 7:14

When that human body that should house the long waited Christ the deliverer, was to be formed, the source chose the name it should bear, to be JESUS  Matt 1:21. The total package was a human inhabited by God himself to dwell with mankind; God with us Emmanuel. Matt 1:23

Indeed Jesus was the human body used by Christ, to operate on earth, amongst men. So the Virgin Mary was the mother of the child Jesus, but carrier of Christ. Christ being God – the content, and Jesus being human – the container. He was thus called Jesus the Christ Mat 16:20. And like creation story tells; man was first created as Spirit in Gen 1:27 and given a human (decomposable – His never did) body Gen 2:7. Making the Spirit the accountable entity. The Spirit in Jesus was God.

Rather than the conventional biological conception, His virgin birth was necessary for His mission, which required that He becomes the medium to attainment of purity for the human race, so as to enable mankind get reconciled to God. Thus to exempt him from the imperfect procedure of periodic cleansing through the sacrifice of animals which was then the practice  Lev 4:26, He had to be spared of Adam’s nature by conventional fertilization and childbirth. Since His ultimate aim was to become the perfect procedure Himself (the way) Joh 14:6

Yes He came from heaven, so He was imbued with divine powers being part of the Trinity as expounded in the article ATOMIC THEORY OF TRINITY, published 12.02.11 on this blog. But as long as Jesus was on earth, there is much reason to conclude that He essentially lived like any other man with all human frailties Heb 2:17. Thus, He was 100 % human, with 100 % abilities of God, even to forgive people of their Sins Luk 7:48 – because this was His specific fundamental task. For us, what is most instructive is the example that His daily human life presents; that we as humans can exercise divine powers of God.


It is often said that great successes have great secrets, but for us who have got the privilege of the Bible, relaying the lifestyle of Jesus, His success secrets are no more hidden. The lack of knowledge of this is what destroys God’s people. Hos 4:6.  Elements of His success shows that, He was very hard working, waking early to prepare for His duties, Mar 1:35 and working till late. Mat 14:23-25

He was time conscious. Joh 9:4 His ministry at the age of 30 and completion at 33, with the most assuring words  “It is finished”, supports management’s  SMART theory  for goal setting, i.e being Specific, Measurable, Realistic, and Time – bound.

A man of purpose, with clear understanding of His mission, He knew when His time was up. When it wasn’t time He said it,  and at such times moved secretly Mar 1:45 .

He chose His company with great wisdom. His disciples were committed men who were thoroughly skilled in their disciplines. Simon Peter a great fisherman (so hardworking as could work from morning till night, the size of his boat speaks of his past exploits), with Matthew knowledgeable in taxes, Luke (a physician) amongst others. Such combination constitutes a formidable team for any leader any day. And this was in spite of the divine powers Jesus possessed himself. Moving about with twelve of such able bodied men would send strong signals to any onlooker.

He was a man of simple appearance. The fact that He was betrayed by kiss for identification means that He wasn’t different in appearance from His disciples.

I have personally observed that there is always something peculiar in the personal habits of successful people that sustains their success. The Lord Jesus was a man of prayer! It was His habit to wake up early to pray, and during the day that followed,  He performed several miracles with ease, often by just a word.  This establishes a correlation between early morning prayers and having a successful day for any young man. Indeed the man that kneels before God in prayers will stand with boldness and power before men. When you know your God, you can’t help but do exploits.

His chat with the elders of the Temple at the age of 12, was to demonstrate the ability of God to use any age. And children can be wiser than their teachers if they take godliness seriously.

A miracle worker! Jesus was very popular for His numerous miracles, and as a chemical engineer I am particularly thrilled that the first, at the marriage in Cana of Galilee, Joh 2:11 is an activity of the process industry.

Thereafter, He healed the sick; the leprous, the lame, the blind, fever etc, and raised the dead. He went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. Act 10:38.

How was He able to accomplish all this? Answer: Having been in heaven He had had perfect understanding of how heaven worked, and how those down here (mankind) could take advantage of the rules in the Kingdom of God for specific results. He came to show us and convince us by example i.e. applying those rules. When they asked, He taught His disciples how to pray and get results  Mat 6:6 -15


Some people still find it difficult to accept the words of Jesus, when He says emphatically, that we will do more! “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater [works] than these shall he do “ Joh 14:12 . But the reason is very clear; He concludes, “ because I go to the Father”.  So what? Having experienced man’s challenges on earth first hand as a human, and has gone back to heaven, the only logical thing will be to improve on how heaven relates with mankind – the “Memorandum of Understanding” by being a tireless intercessor, (added advantage to help us do more). Telling the Father to have mercy and grant more grace.

Recall that Satan has also been in heaven Isa 14:12 , so he also had knowledge how heaven works too, and perhaps God’s purpose and interest in creating man, etc, but the invention of salvation, manifestation of the man JESUS,  still baffles him till today, because he had left heaven before it was unveiled.  If he had the slightest knowledge of the “Jesus Strategy of God for mankind’s redemption and massive empowerment”, he wouldn’t have allowed himself to be used as part of the fulfillment process. 1Co 2:8 says   for had they known [it], they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. Perhaps this ignorance tell why Satan was bold enough to tempt Jesus, he just couldn’t discern this “MAN”.

Indeed when you go through the book of Leviticus you will be surprised at the whole lot of procedures – stringent and quite expensive – regarding cleansing, forgiveness, and membership of the commonwealth of Israel, which Salvation now simplifies.   The New Testament describes it as “A better covenant” Heb 8:6. The manifestation of Jesus makes available the power of salvation as a free gift, and as simple as ABC (Accept, Believe Confess Jesus Christ as your lord and personal saviour). It confers mortal man with inexhaustible power, and victory over principalities Col 2:15 making the Born Again (B.A) believer a Master of Situations and Circumstances (M.Sc).  No wonder Paul cries out “how can we neglect so great a Salvation” (so potent !) Heb 2:3, or the Gift of the Holy Spirit, who presently guards, and teaches on how best to apply other gifts and benefits of salvation to continuously reign over the machinations of the devil.

His death, burial and resurrection dealt a destructive blow to the devil who is still dumbfounded. For this purpose He was made manifest 1Jo 3:8. Today, THE MAN JESUS is the only mediator between God and men. 1Ti 2:5.

Samuel Hanotu Kwelle  (00:00 Resurrection Morning,  April 2012)

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