Fresh Vision

...insightful submissions on contemporary issues of life.

True success consist not in becoming the person that you dreamed of becoming when you were young, but in becoming the person you were meant to be

~ Kusher

Archive for April, 2012

The Man JESUS !

by samuel on April 7th, 2012 for Issues on Faith

The Lord Jesus Christ

The season of Easter elicits solemn reflection by Christians across the globe about the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.  A lot was unique about Him, from the mode of biological conception and on to His resurrection. His personal conduct and comportment in the society also made Him standout, and people who behaved like Him had to be designated  Christians, Act 11:26. Today, as we commemorate His unparalleled act of resurrection, I am inspired to document essential lessons from the human aspects of the Lord Jesus Christ; the MAN Jesus, who like any other man today,  was exposed to temptations Heb 4:15, got hungry Mar 11:12, was  compassionate Mat 9:36 , wouldn’t hide his emotions to weep  Joh 11:35 and even got skilled in a trade Mar 6:3 . Although surrounded by fierce enemies Joh 5:18, and passionate admirers Joh 11:2 alike, He didn’t lose focus of his divine mission to this planet. Indeed He couldn’t have just been killed. He actually came to die, and shame death by bodily resurrection.

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