Fresh Vision

...insightful submissions on contemporary issues of life.

I learnt early in life not to compare myself with others but to be challenged with being the best possible me at any instant

Archive for April, 2011


by samuel on April 20th, 2011 for Issues on Faith, Politics

Olakunle Soriyan

Guest Article

In the late 90s, Silicon Valley, the haven of multi billion dollar IT companies, witnessed dramatic shows. The experience is a wakeup call to entrepreneurs and business executives of this century and beyond to make room for the arrival of a global economy driven by knowledge, technology and “dominance thinking” where superiority is determined by originality and innovation. Now, an African folktale spells out this way: Every morning, a gazelle walks and thinks, ‘to stay alive, I have to run faster than the fastest lion.’ This is always a significant incentive for gazelles to learn to run faster. But just over the hill, a lion realizes, ‘I have to run faster than the slowest gazelle otherwise I could go hungry’; meaning that even lions (if they get lazy and/or if gazelles get smarter) can starve; and so can great corporations and great

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Change via the Ballot

by samuel on April 1st, 2011 for Politics

Samuel Kwelle

As Nigerians go to general elections this month, apathy from many citizens is not unexpected, since results in the past i.e 1999, 2003, and 2007, have often created more doubts, than reflect the wishes of the majority voters. Numerous Court judgments that followed buttress this. But can folding our arms to any challenging situation of life yield one’s desired solution? No! The answer should be, since doing nothing should logically yield nothing. And  worse in this case is the pending reality that all elective offices will certainly be occupied by an aspirant at the end of the exercise.  Contrary to certain

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