Fresh Vision

...insightful submissions on contemporary issues of life.


For some religious  folks, and in fact faithfuls of other religions, saying that Jesus is God, is trying to equate man to God.  As Christians who need to understand the concept of THE TRINITY,  this perspective referenced from the Holy Bible may help, particularly  to those who can still buy into  an analogy  from the atomic theories of elementary  chemistry.

As a background, let’s begin by seeing God as the owner of the universe, an all-natured1 being 2a., who has a spirit (the Holy Ghost). God also has angels or (servants you may wish to call them). When creating the world, He spoke each item/kind into existence2b. So God speaks, and of course it is expected.

When it came to placing an overseer over His earthly creatures He chose to mould mans’ body out of the dust (the dust had been created directly by His spoken Word), then gave man His divine breath to become a living soul3a (capable of decision taking). After the fall of the first man 3bAdam and Eve, with the  increase of sin in the earth, God felt sorry for making man3c . Naturally, there were punishments, and as some would still  choose to obey Gods instructions,  rules had be clearly presented as commandments –  a covenant between God and man. All these events of old are recorded in the Bible, and we are told that God sought for a remedy.

He sent Jesus to teach us about Himself (God), what He expects from us, teaching and leading by example,  that is,  by interacting  with us, feeling our experiences and thus offer a new covenant as basis for relationship.

Any heavenly being that could have executed this task perfectly, must really be like God Himself  (indeed only an individual can have complete knowledge of Himself) so that in teaching by example, such one will at every instant, take decisions that represents what God has to say or express.

To accomplish this task He made His Word flesh4 and gave it the saving name Jesus5. Indeed your words represent you. So God had accomplished what he wanted. Great wisdom you will say. And like anybody with  integrity, you try very hard to honour your words. For God, that’s sure6 !. And that is the Honour Jesus has.

Also one cannot isolate a one’s spirit from Himself and His word that is why Jesus said He is one with His Father7a , He came out from God 7b. Though by God’s supernatural power they can act particularly,  with defined duties, yet because they are of one source there cannot be in conflict. Three in perfect unity (TRINITY).

Recall that God’s creation tool was  His Word, little wonder why His redemption tool was also His Word  this time made flesh. Jesus also insinuated to about His pre-existence before Abraham8 at creation. 9 . Coming out of the Father (God)7b, Jesus is called Son.10 And the Holy Ghost being the agent for Christ’s birth,10 worked in  Him10b, and is Today’s agent for human transaction with Godhead11 having has His own policy11b, and has always existed 11c.

Thus the Holy Ghost, Jesus and the Father are specialised forms of an entity that have since origin collaborated in establishing the earth. 12

A chemistry student may quite inaccurately, but illustratively describe God’s trinity existence as: the whole Atom representing God,  the aspect of the Holy Spirit being electrons, while the nucleus inside the atom has an aspect of protons is played by Jesus, and God Himself as the Father reserving  the aspect as the neutrons- which is what actually gives the whole original atom its identity. Him alone knowing the end of time.

An attempt at splitting the nucleus of an atom leads to the release of enormous energy,  a process known as nuclear fission. Meanwhile atoms being the fundamental building block of each element in nature, since creation, exist in every physical object found  in our environment.  Little wonder the Message Bible translation of the Holy Scriptures relays Romans chapter one verse twenty as  “By taking a long and thoughtful look at what God has created, people have always been able to see what their eyes as such can’t see: eternal power, for instance, and the mystery of his divine being. So nobody has a good excuse”, clearly speaking of the Trinity,  and perhaps the immense energy obtainable in the old chemistry concept – The   Atom .

Coming from secular reason, you don’t need to get everything clear before you believe and that is one place where Faith in God applies. Indeed we may never know everything until we die.

Just as  the world phenomena is enormous and a university professor has to specialize in one aspect of his field study, and even continue to do research in just one minute area of interest to make discoveries and unravel possibilities. By simple correlation, knowledge about the God of the whole universe certainly must be equally very great  and not all of what He has said, done, or consist of,  can be captured in the paper volume of the Bible. The Bible itself acknowledges secret things13 But daily He reveals himself to us. If the Bible was like any of our science or literature books to be completely consumed and disposed off then it wouldn’t be a Holy book that it is today with all the acclaim and fellowship.

Refs: 1; All-natured: capable of taking any form/appearance (Recall: He created all shapes and kinds in the Beginning,  Gen 1:1) and could do anything. 2a, 2b; Gen 1:3. 3a,3b; Gen 1:27, 2:7. 3c; Gen 6:6. 4; John 1:14, 1 Tim 3: 16. 5; Matthew 1:21. 6; John 8: 54,Psalm 8:5. 7; John 10:30 7b; John 16 27. 8; John 8:58. 9; John 1:1. 10; Luke 1:35. 10b; Luke 1:15, 3:22, 4:1 11; John 14:26, Acts 1:8, 2:38, 7:55, 10:45,1Corintians 6:19, Mark 13:11,Hebrews 3:7 2Corinthians 13:14. 11b; Matthew 12:32. 11c; Mark 12:36, Luke 1:41 & 61, 2:25-26,  12; Genesis 1:26, 1 John 5:7 Matthew 28:19. 13; Deuteronomy 29:29, Psalm 3: 32, John 21:25

Samuel Hanotu Kwelle

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