Fresh Vision

...insightful submissions on contemporary issues of life.

As long as you are trying to be like someone else, the best you can ever be is second best

~ Anonymous


The ability to afford all of one’s need, and satisfy numerous desires, is one pursuit that the competitiveness created by globalization has made difficult. While the responsibility of ensuring that a child realises his dreams may rest on the parents, with physical growth, our ambitions also grow to heights requiring skills and expertise that only personal initiative can successfully engender.

The path to fulfilment therefore appears to be in self reliance, through ventures that nature in trying to redistribute wealth deposits as aspirations accompanied by latent human potentials. Many people conceive unique ideas which when properly executed leads to inner satisfaction and added financial prosperity. A few may choose to pursue a particular career to its zenith, and attain the attendant fame making sacrifices when necessary. While others are daily engrossed with their traditional routine and cannot consider entertaining more discomfort to an already tedious schedule, as they  just try to find happiness in what they do.

For the various categories of individuals stated above, all, picture a destination which they concentrate their energy and time towards attaining. Many end up mediocre in their fields, full of unexecuted plans. Some make good efforts but are hindered by the challenging climate of completion, they thereafter resign to fate with so much “experience” which usually only serve as discouragement to starters.

However, a few are  still  able to realize their full dreams, and graduated in the magnitude of their goals, proffer solutions to dire needs of mankind, record feats in various spheres of influence – science, religion, business, government, entertainment, sports, education, etc. Their success story becomes an inspiration to young stars, who see them as worthy role models in the news. This class of achievers present a clear testimony of the power of focus. They often times never had fame as part of their pursuit; they just possessed ideas and created dreams like their contemporaries.

A steady focus

They moved on to picture uncommon goals, and set targets that appeared beyond reach, but most importantly were focused and unyielding to dream killers. Not only did they become creators, but have also made good name, attain fame, and acquired wealth.

Focus in any field of endeavour begins with conceiving a dream. Dreams are said to be free, but with a mindset reluctant to change, and encumbered with work, there is hardly time for a good rest let alone deep thinking or dreams. We must create time to dream and develop a plan of action with deadlines.

Having conceived ideas, most entrepreneurs in view of the opportunities, tend to spread themselves too thin tying to do everything. This hinders their goal, making then overwhelmed, frustrated and fed-up. Harnessing focus requires that your attention is directed to one single objective.

A clear intentional focus  moves us towards our dreams quickly and effectively, notes an author. Prioritize your visions; accept that you do not need to act on them all now, letting some things go for the time being. This is best achieved by brainstorming them on paper to see the bigger picture more clearly by specific detailed evaluation, examining all the possibilities, and defining your compelling reason for pursuing which.

When you start a business with focus, you choose a specific line of business, gather adequate information on current practices obtainable, and create the little beginning sustainably while guarding a mental picture of a unique peak – the very classic uncommon touch you intend to add to that kind of business – for which you will become a reference. Dream it on a national scale and pursue a time to hit the international arena, a level where you will be able to influence government policies and legislations regarding such business operations in your domain. In aiming at the top we should never look for good where excellent is possible, envisioning such future in the light of the time honoured words “with God all things are possible”.

Benefiting from focus involves imbibing the needed determination to be firmly committed to realizing set goals in spite of obvious challenges which dream killers such as fear, self-doubt, wet blanket friends, temporary failure or set-backs, criticisms and pressure to conform to the status quo, may present. It is said that when the heart is willing, it will find  thousand ways, but when it is unwilling it will find a thousand excuses. One’s determination should be like a magnetic compass, no matter which way you turn it, its needle persistently points north. Brian Tracy once said “most people achieved their greatest success one step beyond what looked like their greatest failure”. This underscores the necessity for  unwavering determination; a little more persistence may do the magic. A jocular alliteration says , if determination will determine my destiny, then I will determine to determine my determination . . .

Article continued in THE POWER OF FOCUS (Part B) May,  2009

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